by Sophia Rakel Armen | Apr 30, 2015 | Archives
Ghosts of memory & trauma, an act of resistance… MARCH 2015 — Nelly Gasparyan sings a haunting performance of “Der Vorghomya” (Տեր ողորմեա) in the Armenian Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Akhtamar Island: Yep, we know. Stunning. Beyond the singing of “Lord Have...
by Jeannie Markarian | Apr 24, 2015 | Poetry
I cannot see where your bones are, Acid rain ate defiant Mesropian tendrils of tombstone lettering, Twilight is descending I am lost in the graveyard Three hours from Ellis Island- This Broken bridge to Keghi ,Old Country…. Your son calls to me over unkempt rows, my...
by Jeremy Dalmas | Apr 24, 2015 | Archives
It’s been just over a century since the Ottoman Empire began to systematically kill what would eventually be 1.5 million Armenians. Waves of refugees immigrated to the Bay Area, fleeing the killings. Today, tens of thousands of people of Armenian descent live...
by Bavakan | Apr 23, 2015 | Archives
one hundred years of becoming from Tadukhepa on Vimeo.
by lee williams boudakian | Apr 23, 2015 | Archives
Tonight is April 23, 2015 and I am sitting in my room in Vancouver, unceded Coast Salish Territory. Never ceded. No treaties. I write this on/from stolen land. Theft. Of land. Of people. Of home. Of possessions. Of generations. From this site of...