A ghazal is an Arabic form of poetry consisting of a chain of at least five couplets in which each one can be read autonomously.
Ghazals typically deal with themes like loss and pain, as well as beauty and love despite them.
Monday isn’t real.
Tuesday through Sunday are just as imaginary.
You say “happy Friday” and that you hate Mondays.
The months and the year numbers and the calendars aren’t real.

Money isn’t real.
We waste our finite lives working for imaginary numbers.
Imaginary numbers decide who lives and dies.
The differences between a homeless man and Jeff Bezos aren’t real.
Scarcity isn’t real.
The imaginary numbers withhold our necessities
And force us to work dead end jobs while the CEO hoards wealth.
There’s enough food and homes for all; the excuses of the rich aren’t real.
Borders aren’t real.
The color-coded cloth we fly, the colorful nations on the map;
All human constructs; America doesn’t truly exist.
The lines we draw in the sand aren’t real.